Join Tara Mitra for a two-day journey into the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, exploring how these ancient teachings offer practical guidance for modern life. Rooted in the Krishnamacharya and Sri Desikachar lineage, this workshop will go beyond theory, offering a direct experience of the sutras through breath, chanting, and reflection.
Gregor and Monica each began their yoga journeys in 1978. They met in India in 1995 both there in the pursuit of studying yoga. Together they created 8 Limbs, directed a yoga studio for 21 years, have published eight textbooks on yoga and taught countless hours of mainly mysore style classes.
Life is full of ordinary moments and common things. And yet we can create sacred space and have a perspective that illuminates our many blessings and the persistent power of the Divine in our Life.
Amina is a tiny asthangini with a huge heart & smile. I fell in love with her because of her gentle, yet firm adjustments and humble approach to ashtanga. In the ashtanga world she could be known as the assisting teacher to great teachers but she is much more than an assistant.