AMINA MOKRANE                     HIPS DON'T LIE April 11-13, Lomnice nad Popelkou

Amina is a tiny asthangini with a huge heart & smile. I fell in love with her because of her gentle, yet firm adjustments and humble approach to ashtanga. In the ashtanga world she could be known as the assisting teacher to great teachers but she is much more than an assistant.

Basic Information


April 11-13 (Fri-Sun) - 3 FULL DAYS


200 EUR  full workshop - Early bird, 250 EUR after March 1st

90 EUR 1 day

40 EUR single morning class/ 60 EUR single afternoon class

Brunches and snacks are included.

Capacity:  20 practicioners


Shalala Aštánga jóga shala

Lomnice nad Popelkou

Suitable for all levels.

Booking & Info

Zuzana +420 727 816 606

Friday 11th :

Ashtanga Led Primary Series in Sanskrit

Break - Brunch together

13:00 - 16:00

Asana Lab (Postures form the Primary Series & Intermediate)

Learn about asana principles (the vinyasa, alignements, dristi) and the asana variations / options. We will have a look at the fundamental poses and break down transitions between asanas. Together we will explore the underliying forces that hold the primary series together. We will also touch on the principles connecting primary series to the second and third.

Saturday 12th :

Ashtanga Mysore Style Practice

Break - Brunch together

13:00 - 16:00

Strength building / Hips Don't Lie and "Un Petit Peu" Core

What do you need for a steady and sustainable practice? Strength. How do you work on hip opening? Did you know that working at the edge of your mobile range involving strength brings faster progress than just regular hip opening exercises? Flexibility is not a requirement nor it is desirable on it's own. In ashtanga we will always need a combination of strenght and flexibility. No matter if you are new to ashtanga practice or you are currently trying to figure out how to make your leg stay behind your head, if you don't want to get injured, you will need a core of steel.

Sunday 13th :

Ashtanga Mysore Style Practice


12:00 - 15:00

Hips opening/ Move and stretch

We will build on the principles we estabilished on Saturday and move forward through the sequences. Amina will make sure we don't go home too sore and will teach us some rehabilitative exercises to ensure sustainable hip opening practice.

What will be the main focus of the workshop?

Hip joints connect our lower body (legs) to our torso through the pelvis. It is held by a strong ligaments and muscular structure that makes it very stable while allowing movements in different axes: flexion, extensions, rotations, abductions and adductions …
In yoga, the region of the pelvis and hips is the seat of two vital energetic centers (Cakra) called Muladhara (Root) and Svadhisthana (the Sacral or dwelling of the self) Cakra. The root Cakra reflects our connection to earth, our foundations and it supports our stability. While the sacral Cakra reflect our creative being and our potential. It supports personal expansion.
Hips mobility and stability play a key role in our daily life and in our Yoga Asana (Postures) practice as well. Unfortunately, our modern lifestyles (sitting for too long), pathologies or even natural aging can reduce the hip range of motion and sometimes even impede the normal functioning of the joint. Practicing extreme forms of asana can also lead to a destabilization of the joint.

During this workshop, we will use yoga asana to restore and/or enhance hip joint mobility. We will learn to practice in a safe way that strengthens and stretches the muscles while respecting individual range of motion and preserving joint stability. These exercises and techniques can be used/included afterwards in your daily yoga practice or for your personal body work routine.

About Amina

Amina's journey as an Aṣṭāṅga Vinyāsa Yoga practitioner is a testament to her unwavering dedication. For 15 years she has maintained a daily practice, which now includes the first, second, and third series of this method. Her teaching journey began in 2018, following her first teacher training at Yoga Ashtanga Marseille Aix. She further honed her skills in 2019 with a 200-hour Immersion in Bali, Indonesia, under the guidance of Gregor Maehle and Monica Gauci.
In 2020, she deepened her teaching skills and knowledge with their Level 2 training in Byron Bay, Australia. Monica and Gregor have since invited her to assist them in four teacher training modules, a testament to her dedication and expertise.
Furthermore, Amina has studied with Petri Räisänen since 2012 and David Garrigues since 2020. She has also assisted Petri Räisänen during international workshops (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Spain and Sweden) from 2022 to 2024 and she has taught as a resident teacher at Yoga Ashtanga Marseille Aix and My Yoga Shala, both in Marseille, France.

Amina believes that the practice of yoga is a healing process. For this reason, she endeavours to create a respectful and healthy space for teaching and learning where students feel safe and free to embrace their path. Her hands-on adjustments are light, aided by clear information about both the Aṣṭāṅga method and the technical/anatomical aspects of the postures. She aims to empower students by enhancing their understanding so that they can build their practice at their own pace.

Amina is also passionate about bodywork therapies and has studied and trained in massage therapy with Renato Pappalardo at « La voix du toucher » school. In her massages, she tunes in, listens and feels the person's body to locate and help them relieve their tensions. In 2024, Amina worked as a residential yoga teacher and massage therapist at Hotel Limeni Village (Greece).

Amina's passion is to pass on and spread the knowledge and understanding that she has received. She offers teaching in line with the tradition of Aṣṭāṅga Vinyāsa Yoga, a practice she deeply respects and is committed to preserving, while also catering to the individual needs of each person, physically and psychologically.