TARA MITRA, Threads of Wisdom: Embodying the Yoga Sutras 10.-11.5.

Join Tara Mitra for a two-day journey into the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, exploring how these ancient teachings offer practical guidance for modern life. Rooted in the Krishnamacharya and Sri Desikachar lineage, this workshop will go beyond theory, offering a direct experience of the sutras through breath, chanting, and reflection.

Book NOW

We will confirm your reservation via e-mail.

Basic Information


May 10-11 (Sat-Sun)

8:00 - 10:00 a.m. Morning chanting, pranayama, mysore style classes

11:00 - 12:30 1st theoretical block

2:30 - 4:00 2nd theoretical block


200 EUR - 2 day workshop

100 EUR - 1 day workshop

40 EUR / 1 mysore style class

60 EUR / 2 theoretical classes

Capacity: 18 practicioners


Ánanda Aštánga Jóga Shala

Na Topolce 16

Prague 4

Suitable for all levels.

Booking & Info

Zuzana +420 727 816 606
E-Mail: info@astangaceskyraj.cz